Aberystwyth Demonstrator Hub Update – July 2024

22 August 2024

July 2024 – Aberystwyth Demonstrator Hub Update

Aberystwyth Site Plan

Aberystwyth Site Plan

The Aberystwyth Demonstrator Hub is showing steady progress, with most tree and grass varieties growing well. Inter-row mowing and maintenance activities like gapping up and spraying have been effectively managed, though some plots are a little patchy and weedy. The newly planted crops such as sida, switchgrass and Silphium are being a little slow to establish.

The team from Rothamsted Research visited on July 18th and made a site inspection. Comments from their report are included in the crop diaries below, but their overall impression was that “management of the site was looking great thanks to the Team at IBERS. Inter-row mowing on the plots was neat, and no obvious damage to plants was noticed. Weed control through use of the Herbidome was evident throughout the plots and the surrounds were all topped and presented neat and tidy too. The Electric Fence was working and it was great to see weed control around it to help prevent the Fence from earthing out. This was obviously helping and keeping the Invertebrate grazers at bay.”

As well as the photos of the crops that are shown in the crop diaries below, a whole collection of drone shots were taken in July. Here are just a few of them to give an overall view of the Demonstrator Hub..



Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops at the Aberystwyth Deomstrator Hub are progressing this month.


  • The SRF alder trees are looking good.
  • There are no visible pests or diseases.
  • Rows have been mowed.


Black Locust

  • A plant count of the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ was completed on 22/07/24 and two trees were dug up and their roots photographed. There were also slugs surrounding the Turbo roots, but less than the Turbo Obelisk. Inter-row mowing has been carried out.
  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ was replanted in mid-April. However, to date, there is no growth from any of the plants. A plant count was completed on 22/07/24 and two trees were dug up and their roots photographed. Rows have been mowed.
  • Investigations into the poor performance of the black locust across most sites is ongoing.


  • The SRF Eucalyptus trees are looking good..
  • Inter-rows have been mowed.
  • It would be beneficial to turn down the top of the mesh guards, especially on the bigger varieties to help reduce the rubbing on the stems that has been observed at other Biomass Connect sites.
  • It would also be beneficial to use the larger stakes to help prevent the larger plants being blown over. 


  • The SRF poplar trees are growing well.
  • Inter-rows have been mowed.
  • The ones planted for gapping up appear to be growing well, although there did appear to be the odd deceased tree.
  • No aphids were evident unlike at some other sites. 



  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus plot is doing well. The surrounds have been topped. The drone footage showed very few gaps present within the plot. 
  • The Miscanthus Athena ™ plot appears a bit gappy in places. Some gaps as long as 10 metres have been observed between plants. The surrounds have been topped. Further monitoring and investigation may be required if establishment does not improve.
  • The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial has been inter-row mowed and topping around plots has been undertaken. Where necessary failed plots have been re-planted.
  • The 2024 Miscanthus variety trial plots have now been planted. This is a lot later in the year than was hoped, but good they are now in the ground. Plots have been treated with Post-Em’s which appears to have had an effect on the targeted weeds. It is interesting to see how quickly the membrane used to ‘mulch’ some of the plots appears to have already broken down. 


  • In the 0.5 ha SRC willow plot, inter-row mowing has been carried out. The gapped up cuttings are growing well. Ongoing monitoring of variety Ingeris needed as it is showing signs of damage with some showing extensive signs of bark damage. This will be monitored to see if it spreads and develops into a problem.
  • The SRC willow variety trial plot has been inter-row mowed. Willow cuttings planted for the failed plots are establishing.


  • The Sida plants have not put on much growth but seem to be surviving okay.
  • The plot is quite weedy though.

Reed Canary Grass

  • The reed canary grass is establishing well,  but the plot is quite patchy.
  • The plot is also  quite weedy.


  • Some plants of switchgrass may be coming through, but it is hard to see the difference between switchgrass and weed grasses at present.


  • The Silphium plot has been sown but to date there is no germination.
  • This is a problem at other sites so far too.

Plans and Actions

  • The grass aisles are being mowed when we can get on the land to keep the site tidy.
  • Fencing is being regularly tested.
  • The base of fences have been mowed and Glysophate applied.

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