September 2024 – Edinburgh Demonstrator Hub Update
Progress at the Boghall Biomass Connect site in September showcased healthy growth across all varieties, with regular interrow mowing conducted to support field maintenance. The SRF alder and poplar are growing well, despite some rust and insect presence, while Eucalyptus and black Locust generally show good health with minimal damage from pests. Miscanthus varieties are thriving with little disease or vertebrate impact, and although willow showed signs of aphid and beetle activity, it continues to grow robustly.
Crop Diaries
Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.
- The SRF Alder at Boghall is growing well with big healthy leaves.
- Inter-row mowing was carried out on September 25th.
- Some insect damage and sawfly larvae have been observed.
Black Locust
- Most of the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ trees look green and healthy. Inter-row mowing was carried out on September 25th. No rust has been observed, but there is a white fungus on some of the plants.
- The SRF Eucalyptus trees are looking big, green and healthy.
- Inter-row mowing was carried out on 25th September.
- There are quite a lot of tiny black aphids.
- Insect damage has been observed on larger leaved varieties, but not extensive.
- The SRF poplar trees are looking tall and healthy, the new trees are growing well. Inter-row mowing was carried out on September 25th. Some rust has been observed, much not a lot.
- The SRC poplar trees look healthy and are growing well. Inter-row mowing was carried out on September 25th.
- The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus is growing tall and bushy. Couch grass was hand rogued on 10th September. No disease observed. Minimal vertebrate damage.
- The 0.5 ha Miscanthus Athena™ plot is growing quite well. No disease has been observed, some vertebrate damage (hare?) has been seen, but it is not extensive.
- The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial plot was inter-row mowed on September 25th. There are lots of green, leafy stems. The Illinois variety is growing well. No disease or vertebrate damage has been observed.
- In the 2024 Miscanthus variety trial, some varieties are a bit patchier than others. Illinois is growing well. Small amounts of vertebrate damage (hare?) has been seen on some of the smaller plants.
- The 0.5 ha SRC willow is very tall, green and leafy. Small amounts of rust have been observed. There are lots of giant willow aphids, lots of wasps and some signs of early senescence/yellowing of the bottom leaves. Insect damage has also been observed: willow beetle and sawfly larvae sighted.
- The SRC willow variety trial is growing tall and green. Some rust has been observed.
- The older Sida is growing green and bushy.
- The newer Sida (plug plants) is a bit limp and straggly
- Hand roguing was carried out on September 10th.
Reed Canary Grass
- The reed canary grass plot was high-topped on September 25th.
- There’s a flush of emergence, but it looks patchy.
- The switchgrass plot was high-topped on September 25th.
- There is some emergence but it looks patchy.