Cockle Park Farm Demonstrator Hub Update – July 2024

22 August 2024

Cockle Park Farm Site plan

Cockle Park Farm Site plan

July 2024 – Cockle Park Farm Demonstrator Hub Update

July at Cockle Park Farm has seen the site progressing well, with most varieties showing healthy growth and minimal pest or disease issues. Hand weeding, replanting, and mowing have been effective in maintaining plant health, although some pest damage and gaps in plant coverage have been noted. Weather conditions have been moderate with consistent rainfall, supporting plant growth but also contributing to wet soil conditions in some areas.

Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops at Cockle Park Farm are progressing.


  • All of the re-planted SRF Alder is growing well.
  • Hand weeding was carried out on 11/06/2024 to get rid of weeds around the plants.
  • The alder is doing great and looking healthy.
  • There is some pest or insect damage to report.
  • The plot was mowed on 26/06/2024 to get rid of weeds between rows.

Black Locust

  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ plot is not looking too good but some hare damage and insect damage has been observed.
  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk‘ doesn’t show any signs of hare or insect damage.


  • The SRF Eucalyptus plants are growing well.
  • Hand weeding has been used to get rid of weeds especially around the plants.
  • The new larger stakes are working well.
  • There is no pest damage or insect damage to report.
  • Some leaves have been damaged by the wind.


  • The SRF poplar plants are growing well and looking healthy. Hand weeding has been used to remove the weeds around the plants. The re-planted trees are growing well. There is no disease or insect damage.
  • The SRC poplar plants are doing great. Some trees have dried leaves, but the plant is still alive. There is no disease damage but some hare damage has been observed.  The re-planted ones are doing well.
  • SRF Italian Poplar was planted on 13/06/2024, it is looking good except for one variety.


  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus plants are growing very well. There is no pest damage or insect damage.
  • The Miscanthus Athena™ was replanted on 20/05/2024. Herbicide was applied on 07/07/2024. Rows are starting to appear but there are some gaps between plants.


  • The 0.5 ha SRC willow plot was gapped up on 06/06/2024.
  • The re-planted trees are growing well and shooting.
  • No disease has been observed.


  • The Sida was planted on the 04/06/2024 with 53 in a row.
  • It was watered on the 08/06/2024.
  • Most of them are still alive with new shoots appearing.

Reed Canary Grass

  • The reed canary grass was drilled 08/05/2024
  • Grass rows are now visible.
  • There is no hare damage.


  • The switchgrass was drilled on 08/05/2024
  • Grass rows are now visible.
  • There are no pest or disease issues.


  • The Silphium was drilled on 09/05/2034
  • No plants observed yet.

Plans and Actions

  • Electric fence lines are being monitored regularly.
  • The electric fence has also been extended to include the SRF Italian poplar.

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