April 2024 – AFBI, Hillsborough Demonstrator Hub Update
April has been a busy month of mowing, spraying and growing at the AFBI Demonstrator hub with all crops growing well but the poplars are lagging behind a little.
Crop Diaries
Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.
- The SRF alders have budded and are setting leaf.
- The rows have been sprayed and the grass is burnt off.
- All SRF plots were mown pre spraying. They were sprayed around the base of the trees with a hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 L Glyphosate.
Black Locust
- Sprayed down the rows in the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ plot. The plants here are budding up. Herbidome spraying has been carried out with 4:1 Glyphosate.
- The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ plot has been marked and is ready to plant. We are hoping to plant on 25/04/24. We have spot-treated where trees are to be planted with a hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 L Glyphosate.
- There is good growth on E. nitens and E. dalrympleana in the SRF Eucalyptus plot.
- The rims of the tree guards have been folded over to stop abrasion.
- We have also spot sprayed around the base of the trees again. Spot sprayed with a hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 L Glyphosate.
- 7 plants are now dead, we will confirm which varieties have died off over the cold season.
- There has been very little movement yet on either the SRF or SRC poplar.
- The plots have been mown and spot-sprayed around the bases with the hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 L Glyphosate.
- The SRC poplar have been spot treated for thistles using Frontier 60 ml/10 L.
- The Miscanthus giganteus was sprayed (4 L/ha Glyphosate) on the 20/03/24. It was topped on the 21/03/24. (Topped at 20 cm.)
There is now a slight bit of regrowth on the Miscanthus giganteus.
- The Miscanthus Athena™ was sprayed (4 L/ha Glyphosate) on the 20/03/24. It was topped on the 21/03/24. (Topped at 20 cm.)
- There is much more regrowth and greenery on the Athena.
- We have mown the rows in the 2023 Miscanthus variety trial plot and are going to spray the grass regrowth in the aisles this week, (week beginning 22/04/24). Will use glyphosate 4:1 in the Herbidome. This will be followed by topping at 50 cm to avoid any new Miscanthus growth.
- The 2024 Miscanthus variety trial plot has been sprayed off. (4 L/ha Glyphosate 2 L/ha Forefront) and is awaiting cultivation.
- The SRC willow plot has been mown up the aisles and spot-treated for big weeds with the hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 L Glyphosate or Frontier for thistles 60 ml/10 L.
- The leaves have set on the willow and are starting to look very green.
- The willow variety trial regrowth is coming back.
- The rows have been mown and the weeds have been spot treated with the hooded sprayer using 300 ml/20 LGlyphosate or Frontier for the thistles 60 ml/10 L
- The sida has been germinated and pricked on.
- We are going to put it in an unheated glass house to harden off.
- The area has been sprayed. (4 L/ha Glyphosate 2 L/ha Forefront).
- Still waiting to cultivate.
Reed Canary Grass
- The reed canary grass area has been sprayed. (4 L/ha Glyphosate 2 L/ha Forefront).
- Still waiting to cultivate.
- The switchgrass area has been sprayed. (4 L/ha glyphosate 2 L/ha Forefront).
- Still waiting to cultivate.