Demonstrator Hub Update – AFBI, Hillsborough – May 2024

20 June 2024

May 2024 – AFBI, Hillsborough Demonstrator Hub Update

Hillsborough Site Plan

Hillsborough Site Plan

As the weather improves and the days lengthen growth is speeding up. This includes the weeds and grass, so management of these has been the main emphasis this month. The 2024 Miscanthus variety trail and the Sida plots have been planted up this month too.



Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.


  • The SRF alder plot has had its grass mown. Other than that, there has been no change in management since last month.
  • The trees are almost in full leaf now and the stems are looking like they’ve thickened up nicely.

Black Locust

  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ plot has had its grass mown. Other than that, there has been no change in management since last month. The leaves are quite yellow, some may have been knocked by the spray treatment.
  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ has been planted this month. No shoots have been observed yet.


  • There has been no change in management of the SRF Eucalyptus. We are going through to check which varieties have been affected by frost.


  • The grass has been mown in both the SRF poplar and SRC poplar plots. Other than that, there has been no change in management since last month.


  • Both the Miscanthus giganteus and Miscanthus Athena™ are shooting up and are about knee height. Thsitles are popping up in both plots but there has been no change in management this month.
  • The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial plot has been sprayed along the rows using the Herbidome 4:1 water/Glyphosate mix. They have been topped to 50 cm and are starting to come back to about knee height. There is still quite a large weed pressure from grass.
  • The 2024 Miscanthus variety trial plot was planted on 21st May. 5 plots are left ready to be planted by New Energy Farms.



  • The SRC willow plot has been mown, other than that there has been no change in management this month. The plants are looking healthy and are in full leaf.
  • The willow variety trial regrowth is now at about knee height. The grass has been mown in this plot but there have been no other changes in management.


  • The sida was planted on 16th & 17th May using a drill plough to cut lines at 70cm and then plants spaced 35cm along the rows.

Reed Canary Grass

  • Sprayed with 3L/ha Glyphosate
  • Ploughed to 20-30cm
  • Power harrowed
  • Awaiting planting. Hopefully early June.


  • Sprayed with 3L/ha Glyphosate
  • Ploughed to 20-30cm
  • Power harrowed
  • Awaiting planting. Hopefully early June.


  • Sprayed with 3L/ha Glyphosate
  • Ploughed to 20-30cm
  • Power harrowed
  • Awaiting planting. Hopefully early June.

Plans and Actions


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