North Wyke Demonstrator Hub Update – July 2024

27 August 2024

July 2024 – North Wyke Demonstrator Hub Update

North Wyke Site Plan

North Wyke Site Plan

At the North Wyke demonstrator hub site, most varieties, such as SRF Alder and SRF Poplar, are progressing well, with healthy growth observed. However, some challenges have been noted, including the need for further maintenance on SRF Eucalyptus and the poor establishment of some newly planted Miscanthus varieties. Ongoing tasks include weeding, replacing damaged guards, and monitoring germination in recently sowed crops like Reed Canary Grass and Switchgrass..

Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.


  • I’m not sure if demonstrator hub managers are supposed to have favourites but the SRF alder is looking good and is currently the favourite of the manager at the North Wyke Demonstrator Hub.

Black Locust

  • We need to cut down the dead plants in the   SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ plot.
  • There are ongoing issues with the  SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ which are being investigated across most of the demonstrator hub sites. Updates will be shared once we have a better understanding of the problems.



  • Staking and weeding of the  SRF Eucalyptus plot is ongoing.
  • We are also replacing the damaged guards.


  • The SRF poplar is looking good. Two of the new A4A plants have died.
  • The SRC poplar is looking good. There is still a large variation in growth, some are super vigorous, some are still tiny


  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus is growing well.
  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus Athena™ seems a bit thin in the newly planted area. Last year’s half is doing well.
  • The Illinois variety was added to the 2023 Miscanthus variety trial on 29th & 30th July.
  • The Illinois variety was also added to the  2024 Miscanthus variety trial on 29th July.


  • The 0.5 ha SRC willow plot is looking good with the exception of the Inger variety.
  • The willow variety trial plot growth is good.



  • No change from last month

Reed Canary Grass

  • The reed canary grass was sowed on 4/7/2024


  • The switchgrass plot shows no sign of germination yet.


The Silphium seems to have failed to germinate from seed.

Plans and Actions

  • The grass aisles that were sown with a SFI seed mix was predominantly grass but some cornflowers have now appeared amongst the grasses.

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