Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Auchincruive – June 2024

18 July 2024

June 2024 – SRUC Auchincruive Demonstrator Hub Update

Ayr Site Plan

Ayr Site Plan

Most things are growing well, including the weeds. June has been a busy month which included a visit from the Rothamsted Research team to plant the sida plug plants and the Italian SRF poplar plot. This was also a good opportunity for a site inspection, the notes from which are incorporated into the crop diaries below.


Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.


  • The SRF Alder trees are llooking good and the recently planted ones to replace deceased ones look to be coming away well.
  • Inter-row mowing was carried out 3rd June.
  • No rust observed.


Black Locust

  • Some of the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ trees have been strimmer damaged. Those which were strimmer damaged are alive, but are looking lighter in colour than others. The others are growing well.
  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ that was replanted on 17/04/2024 shows no signs of emergence yet. They will need inter-row mowing and spraying soon.


  • There has been no further evidence of insect damage on the SRF Eucalyptus.
  • The different varieties are growing well.
  • Inter-row mowing was completed on 5th June.
  • The plot was gapped up on 5th June.
  • Inter-row spraying is planned.


  • The SRF poplar trees are tall and look healthy. Inter-row mowing was carried out on June 10th.
  • Some of the SRC poplar trees have either strimmer or deer damage. If deer, the electric fence should be re-installed ASAP. Inter-row mowing was carried out on June 10th.
  • The SRF Italian poplar was planting June 11th. There were some groundsel and fat hen weeds. The plot was planted using the following varieties:
    • four Italian Varieties: AF34, AF18, NH1 and AF8
    • and one variety, A4A as a control.
  • The original plan had to be modified as the weather station was in the planned planting area. The new planting is quite close to the met station, which may need to be moved. We planned to plant 600 plants, but this was reduced to 450 plants.


  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus was sprayed with Glysophate and topped within 24 hours after application. This has helped knock back quite a lot of the weed burden that was observed last summer with this plot. There are a few gaps but hopefully as the crop evolves these will be filled by the plants. It is growing tall and bushy. Some thistles need to be hand-rogued.
  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus Athena™ was re-planted on the 16th of May. The crop was starting to emerge during the first two weeks of June. Some Hare grazing was observed on some of the new plant tips which could be detrimental to the growth of the plant.


  • The 0.5 ha SRC willow is looking very green and lush. Inter-row mowing has been carried out and weed spraying has taken effect. The willows are starting to achieve canopy closure which will help with weed suppression.
  • A deer has been seen amongst the crops. Game needs to be driven out and the electric fence needs to be put up ASAP.
  • There is some leaf damage to the Inger variety.



  • The sida was planted on 11th of June.
  • 10 rows with 50 plants in each with a 70cm x 35cm gapping. A petrol auger was used to create the holes.
  • The demo plots area including the Sida has been moved to accommodate the SRF Poplar planting.



Reed Canary Grass

  • The reed canary grass was sown on 18th June.
  • Fat hen weeds are visible.


  • The switchgrass was sown on 18th June.
  • Fat hen weeds are visible.

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