Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Boghall – June 2024

18 July 2024

June 2024 – SRUC Boghall Demonstrator Hub Update

Bog Hall Farm Site Plan

Bog Hall Farm Site Plan

Most crops are growing well at the Boghall Demonstrator Hub. Some plots have a weed burden. Inter-row mowing and spraying is planned for July.


Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.


  • The SRF Alder at SRUC Boghall is growing well with big healthy leaves and lots of new buds.
  • Inter-row mowing is planned for the 3rd June.

Black Locust

  • Most of the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ trees are looking green and healthy, but still a bit small compared to those at the Ayr site.
  • The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ was replanted on 18/04/2024, and there is no sign of emergence yet.


  • The SRF Eucalyptus trees are looking green and healthy
  • The plot was gapped up on June 6th.


  • The SRF poplar was gapped up on 18/04/2024. All trees are looking tall and healthy, the new trees are growing well.
  • The SRC poplar trees look healthy and are growing well.


  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus is growing tall and bushy. Post-emergence herbicide application is needed ASAP (it has been too windy and wet). Some couch grass patches need hand rogued.
  • The 0.5 ha Miscanthus Athena plot was planted on 15th May, post-emergency herbicides are planned ASAP.
  • The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial has lots of green leafy stems. Post-emergence herbicide spraying is planned ASAP.
  • The 2024 Miscanthus variety trial has a post-emergence herbicide treatment planned ASAP. Gapping up it TBC.



  • The 0.5 ha SRC willow is very tall,  green and leafy. Some rows are close to canopy closure. Interrow mowing/spraying is planned for the week beginning 15th July. No rust observed
  • The SRC willow variety trial is growing tall and green. An inter-row mow & spray was carried out on June 3rd. The plot was gaped up on June 19th. The new trees have buds/leaves already.


  • The older Sida is growing green and bushy.
  • The newer Sida (plug plants) is a bit limp and flat.

Reed Canary Grass

  • The reed canary grass plot was sown on June 17th.
  • There are no signs of emergence yet.
  • The plot looks quite weedy with pineapple weed (despite Glyphosate application pre-planting).


  • The switchgrass plot was sown on June 17th.
  • There are no signs of emergence yet.
  • The plot looks quite weedy with pineapple weed (despite Glyphosate application pre-planting).


  • The silphium plot was sown on June 17th.
  • There are no signs of emergence yet.
  • The plot looks quite weedy with pineapple weed (despite Glyphosate application pre-planting).

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