Biomass Connect’s Project Manager Jeanette Whitaker Speaking at the Low Carbon Agriculture Show

February 20, 2023

As part of our launch event at the recent Low Carbon Agriculture show Jeanette Whittaker of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and the Project Manager of Biomass Connect gave a presentation outlining the project and telling a packed audience what to expect in the years to come.
Agricultural Student Opportunity

February 20, 2023

Calling all agricultural students! Are you interested in the Net Zero challenge and the role that biomass crops have in meeting these targets? If so, then read on. Envirocrops is […]
Biomass Connect at the Low Carbon Agriculture Show

February 16, 2023

We’ve now had a week to recover from a busy couple of days at the Low Carbon Agriculture Show! What an amazing show it was. Not only did Biomass Connect […]
Perennial biomass crops are included in the Environmental Land Management (ELM) Scheme.

January 31, 2023

DEFRA recently published an update on how government will pay for land-based environmental and climate goods and services under its Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes. The update, published last week (26th January 2023) currently applying only to England, specified that perennial biomass crops such as miscanthus, reed canary grass and tree species grown as short-rotation coppice are all included under the ‘permanent crops’ category within the ELM schemes.
The UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology publish mini review on the role of Biomass for UK energy generation

January 18, 2023

On the 12th of January 2023 the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology published a brief review (POST Note) on the status and role of Biomass in UK energy generation. […]
“Net Zero is the economic opportunity of the 21st Century”: UK’s Net Zero Review calls for urgent actions

January 16, 2023

‘Mission Zero’ – the Independent Review of Net Zero was published on Friday 3rd January 2023 by MP Chris Skidmore. The 340-page report makes calls for 25 key actions by […]
Harvesting SRC Willow in Norfolk

January 12, 2023

The Biomass Connect project has been given the opportunity to proceed with a willow Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) harvest at a trial site at Easton College in Norfolk. There are […]
Global Hydrogen, an energy solutions company, is proud to announce the launch of its modular micro biogas plants

January 09, 2023

The global hydrogen project is an ambitious endeavour to revolutionise how we generate, store, and use energy. This project will involve the development of a network of hydrogen production and […]
Biomass Connect Hub Site Updates – December 2022

January 09, 2023

Biomass Connect has now collated the December updates from all 8 of our Hub Sites. We have published these within the Hub Site Updates and they can also be accessed […]
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